Friday 26 September 2014

Setup Two instances of OTRS on same server

This setup will describe how to run multiple instances of OTRS on one host.

We will install OTRS and Apache from sources.

Download OTRS from following link:

Download APACHE from following link:

Check for the following perl modules on your system. These perl modules are needed by the otrs and must be installed on your system.

CGI Date::Pcalc
DBI DBD::mysql
Net::LDAP (for directory authentication - not required)
GD (for stats - not required)
GD::Text (for stats - not required)
GD::Graph (for stats - not required)
GD::Graph::lines (for stats - not required)
GD::Text::Align (for stats - not required) XML::Parser

Installation Procedure

First Instance of OTRS

Step-1: Login to the system as root user

Step-2: Move the downloaded source on to /usr/local/src

root@otrs#mv otrs-2.0.4-01.tar.gz /usr/local/src/

Step-3: Unpack the tar.gz

root@otrs#cd /usr/local/src/
root@otrs#tar xzvf otrs-2.0.4-01.tar.gz


root@otrs#mv otrs /opt/otrsone
root@otrs#cd /opt/otrsone/Kernel root@otrs#cp root@otrs#cd Config

Step-5: Add a user “otrsone” in the group “otrsone”

root@otrs#useradd -d /opt/otrsone/ -c 'First OTRS Instance user' otrsone root@otrs#groupadd otrsone
root@otrs#usermod -G otrsone otrsone

Step-6: Configure the Home Directory of OTRS in

root@otrs#cd /opt/otrsone/Kernel

Change the otrs Home to be “/opt/otrsone”, I believe it is in line number 61# ---------------------------------------------------- # # fs root directory # ---------------------------------------------------- #

 $Self->{Home} = '/opt/otrsone';

Step-7: Assign appropriate permissions on to the otrs install directory

root@otrs#cd /opt/otrsone/bin/
root@otrs#./ /opt/otrsone/ otrsone otrsone otrsone otrsone

First Instance of httpd

Step-1: Move the downloaded tar.gz of httpd on to /usr/local/src

root@otrs#mv httpd-2.2.2.tar.gz /usr/local/src

Step-2: Unpack the tar.gz

root@otrs#cd /usr/local/src
root@otrs#tar xzvf httpd-2.2.2.tar.gz

Step-3: Create a target directory for first apache’s installation

root@otrs#mkdir /opt/apache-one

Step-4: Configure

root@otrs#cd /usr/local/src/httpd-2.2.2
root@otrs#./configure --prefix=/opt/apache-one

Step-5: Compile


Step-6: Install

root@otrs#make install

Step-7: Create a “conf.d” Directory

root@otrs#cd /opt/apache-one
root@otrs#mkdir conf.d

Step-8: Insert the “OTRS” Configuration File in the “conf.d” directory

root@otrs#cd /opt/apache-one/conf.d/
root@otrs#vi otrs.conf

#basic apache configurations file for OTRS
ScriptAlias /otrs/ ”/opt/otrsone/bin/cgi-bin/”
Alias /otrs-web/ ”/opt/otrsone/var/httpd/htdocs/”
# Directory settings
<Directory ”/opt/otrsone/bin/cgi-bin/”>
AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -Includes
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<Directory ”/opt/otrsone/var/httpd/htdocs/”>
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Step-9: Modify the httpd.conf file to do the following:

* Listen to the desired port number
* Run as user otrsone of group otrsone
* Load the configurations from “Conf.d” during server

root@otrs#cd /opt/apache-one/conf/

root@otrs#cp httpd.conf httpd.conf.orig [Backup the Original Configuration]

diff of my httpd.conf and httpd.conf.orig 40c40 < Listen 9000 --- > Listen 80 65,66c65,66 < User otrsone < Group otrsone --- > User daemon > Group daemon 414,417d413 < < <

 # include legacy conf.d during a transition period < Include conf.d/*.conf

Its simple, I have made the “Listen Port” to be 9000, the apache user to be “otrsone” and group to be “otrsone”, further I have added a line to include scripts in “Conf.d” directory during server startup

Step-10: Change the ownership of the apache install directory

root@otrs#chown otrsone:otrsone -R /opt/apache-one

Step-11: Start the Web Server

root@otrs#su otrsone
otrsone@otrs$/opt/apache-one/bin/apachectl start

Step-12: Remove the Apache Install Directory

root@otrs#rm –rf /usr/local/src/httpd-2.2.2

Second Instance of OTRS

Step-1: Unpack the tar.gz

root@otrs#cd /usr/local/src/
root@otrs#tar xzvf otrs-2.0.4-01.tar.gz


root@otrs#mv otrs /opt/otrstwo
root@otrs#cd /opt/otrstwo/Kernel
root@otrs#cd Config

Step-3: Add a user “otrstwo” in the group otrstwo

root@otrs#useradd -d /opt/otrstwo/ -c 'Second OTRS Instance user' otrstwo root@otrs#groupadd otrstwo
root@otrs#usermod -G otrstwo otrstwo

Step-4: Configure the Home Directory of OTRS in

root@otrs#cd /opt/otrstwo/Kernel

Change the otrs Home to be “/opt/otrstwo”# ---------------------------------------------------- # # fs root directory # ---------------------------------------------------- #

 $Self->{Home} = '/opt/otrstwo';

Step-5: Assign appropriate permissions on to the otrs install directory

root@otrs#cd /opt/otrstwo/bin/
root@otrs#./ /opt/otrstwo/ otrstwo otrstwo otrstwo otrstwo

Second Instance of httpd

Step-1: Unpack the tar.gz

root@otrs#cd /usr/local/src
root@otrs#tar xzvf httpd-2.2.2.tar.gz

Step-2: Create a target directory for first apache’s installation

root@otrs#mkdir /opt/apache-two

Step-3: Configure

root@otrs#cd /usr/local/src/httpd-2.2.2
root@otrs#./configure --prefix=/opt/apache-two

Step-4: Compileroot@otrs#make

Step-5: Install

root@otrs#make install

Step-6: Create a “conf.d” Directory

root@otrs#cd /opt/apache-two
root@otrs#mkdir conf.d

Step-7: Insert the “OTRS” Configuration File in the “conf.d” directory

root@otrs#cd /opt/apache-two/conf.d/
root@otrs#vi otrs.conf

#basic apache configurations file for OTRS
ScriptAlias /otrs/ ”/opt/otrstwo/bin/cgi-bin/”
Alias /otrs-web/ ”/opt/otrstwo/var/httpd/htdocs/”
# Directory settings
<Directory ”/opt/otrstwo/bin/cgi-bin/”>
AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -Includes
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<Directory ”/opt/otrstwo/var/httpd/htdocs/”>
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Step-8: Modify the httpd.conf file to do the following:

  • Listen to the desired port number
  • Run as user otrstwo of group otrstwo
  • Load the configurations from “Conf.d” during server startup

root@otrs#cd /opt/apache-two/conf/
root@otrs#cp httpd.conf httpd.conf.orig [Backup the Original Configuration]

diff of my httpd.conf and httpd.conf.orig40c4 < Listen 9010 --- > Listen 80 65,66c65,66 < User otrstwo < Group otrstwo --- > User daemon > Group daemon 414,417d413 < < < # includes legacy conf.d during a transition period < Include conf.d/*.conf

Step-9: Change the ownership of the apache install directory

root@otrs#chown otrstwo:otrstwo -R /opt/apache-two

Step-10: Start the Web Server

root@otrs#su otrstwo
otrstwo@otrs$/opt/apache-two/bin/apachectl start

Step-11: Remove the Apache Install Directory

root@otrs#rm –rf /usr/local/src/httpd-2.2.2

Boot Up Scripts

Here is the way to write the boot scripts on apache servers. I don’t know if this is the right way. But it works!

First Instance

Step-1: Insert the following script in /etc/init.d

root@otrs#vi otrsone


# # otrsone: Starts the First copy of otrs
# # chkconfig: 2345 96 20
# description: Starts and stops the First Copy of OTRS at boot time and shutdown.
/opt/apache-one/bin/apachectl start ==============================================================


root@otrs#chkconfig –add otrsone
root@otrs#chkconfig --level 2345 otrsone on

Second Instance

Step-1: Insert the following script in /etc/init.d

root@otrs#vi otrstwo


# # otrstwo: Starts the Second copy of otrs #
# chkconfig: 2345 97 21
# description: Starts and stops the Second Copy of OTRS at boot time and shutdown.
/opt/apache-two/bin/apachectl start =========================================================


root@otrs#chkconfig –add otrstwo
root@otrs#chkconfig --level 2345 otrstwo on

Test the Installation:

http:<ip_address>:9000/otrs/ http:<ip_address>:9010/otrs/

Refer OTRS Manual to proceed with the rest of the installation

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